Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Acrostic Poems

Ecstatic in many ways.
Socially deprived
Talkative as hell.
Another teenager gone astray.

Queens are leaders with grace
Underage for some
Exuberant in all things
Never do they give up.

Kerosene leadership may form at first
In ways you would never imagine
Never will a king give up
Greatness is thrust upon them.

Melodies vibrate in my ear
Unseen beauty, only heard
Stirring in my brain
Indescribable thoughts
Changes lives like no other

Daring moves, swaying from side to side
Aftermath doesn’t count, only this moment
Never have I experienced this feeling
Champions for life
Age doesn’t matter, dancing is what counts.

Taken away to a different place
High and low, they don’t care
Even though they’ve reached beyond the limits
Raking out our guts bit by bit
All we want is just a hug
People don’t get it do they?
Young lives in wrong hands.

Explanation: So I made six acrostic poems, all themes are random. I made one based on myself, one about a queen, one about a king, one about therapy, one about music and one about dance.

I want to explain further about my acrostic poem regarding therapy because I know that it’s different than other acrostic poems. I made a acrostic poems about therapy because I’m now currently facing a hard time and I feel like making a poem about it through therapy.

There are a lot of teens like me who are having a hard time with their lives based on their own reasons and some of them go to therapy. In my predicament kids or teens who go to therapy are basically like people who are being forced to spill their guts and feelings to a person they don’t even know. They see a doctor or as they say a shrink and they tell them their feelings that might hurt them if they spill it. Most people think telling others what you feel is good whilst keeping your feelings within you may kill you slowly, well it’s true but maybe to certain people they like keeping their feelings to themselves, especially kids and teens.

Sometimes all we want is just a drop of attention or just a small meaningful hug instead of an hour consulting with a random doctor. Sometimes adults just don’t get us kids. We may be young but we understand everything. Like when your parents are trying not to shout that loud when they fight yet we still know that they are fighting. I believe making this poem means a lot to me and I dedicate it to all those kids who just wants to be heard out. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. 

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